• Bringing a registered nurse to teach hygiene to kids in Haiti
  • Handing out toothbrushes and toothpaste to homeless kids in the US
  • Building an outdoor lunch area in Mexico
  • Drill water wells
  • Provide school supplies to schools around the world
  • Offer scholarships to graduating seniors in Rural California


Our Mission


Our Mission:  To promote education in developing communities, leading to more sustainable communities.  Be the Power of One is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization working to bring education to those that need it most.

We are ever-expanding our reach, from rural Haiti, to Mexico to the United States, we have a variety of projects to make getting an education easier for kids.

The Lives We Impact

“I went to Haiti to get involved but didn’t realize the impact it would have on me.. There is such a need of clean water, education and the basic necessities - more than I could ever imagine. No person should be without.  The experience I had in the week I there was truly life changing. I think of the ones who have so little often and can’t wait to go back to do more.”


Melissa Buller


If we are to bring an end to poverty, we must educate the children of the world. Those who are educated, develop critical thinking skills and are healthier, more productive and peaceful.  Education is the answer.

“Since 2010 Be the Power of One has made lots of impact in the lives of many in Haiti particularly in Pignon. Through BTPO children have the privilege to go school and also to have a free healthy meal, some of them don't really have a regular meal at home.

BTPO impacts the kiddos lives through education and by training socially and also spiritually through the summer program. BTPO also supports education for young folks as myself, through their Higher Learning Scholarship Program.

 We invite everyone to join us in BTPO so that we can have a really good base here in Pignon. Help us to keep making an impact in the lives of the little ones and their parents. God will reward and bless us all for our work.“


Jean-Ronel Joseph
​Community Leader